Monday through Friday. 8:00AM – 5:00PM, call the office at 956-585-5821. After hours, same number, we will respond immediately.
If it is the District’s issue, never a fee, However, regular business hours service calls are $15.00 and $25.00 after 5:00PM
Bills are mailed the first of the month and are due the 15th of the month. If no payment is received in 30 days, a shut off notice is mailed with the next month’s bill.
The homeowner is responsible from the meter to the house. The District is from the meter to the street. Please use the following diagram for reference, the blue area is our responsibility.
First check the faucets closest to the meter box for pressure, if low contact us. If it's fine you might have an internal plumbing issue. Next, check the strainer on the faucet to see if it might be plugged. Check to see if water is coming up in the yard or curb box. Call the office 956-585-5821 for information about main breaks or hydrant flushing that may affect your water pressure.
It’s easy to use up a lot of water. Here are some everyday activities and the approximate amount of water each uses:
Monday through Friday. 8AM – 5:00PM, call the office. After hours, same number, we will respond immediately, if service men determine it is on customer’s end, a service charge of $15.00 will be applied to account.
Please use the following map as reference:
Yes. The cloudiness is caused by air being trapped in the water. The water is completely safe to drink and it clears up by itself usually very quickly.
The monthly bill that you received from the District is now termed a utility bill. That term is used because the bill includes water usage fee and sewer fee. The water usage fee and the sewer fee are based on the amount of water used during the month. A water meter, generally located on the water service pipe inside of the home or business, measures the amount of water used. The water meter is read monthly by the District. An unusually high water bill may result from one or more of the following:
The owner of a property needs to notify the Water Department Office of any changes in billing. In the event you are selling your home or buying a new home, we would need to know:
The Water Department reads meters on a quarterly basis as well as monthly, we do not reread for property owner changes. Your bill can easily be estimated and credited as part of your closing costs. IT SHALL BE THE CUSTOMER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE THE DISTRICT OFFICE WITH THEIR MOST CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS.
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